⚖️ Is Arbitrage Betting Illegal?

Published on: May 15, 2024

Arbitrage betting, often referred to as "arbing," is a popular betting strategy where bettors place bets on all possible outcomes of an event with different bookmakers to secure a profit regardless of the result. While this strategy is enticing due to its risk-free nature, many bettors wonder about the legality of arbitrage betting. In this article, we will explore the legal implications of arbitrage betting and how it is viewed by bookmakers and regulators.

Is Arbitrage Betting Illegal?

In most jurisdictions, arbitrage betting is not illegal. It is a legitimate betting strategy that leverages price discrepancies between different bookmakers. However, while it is not illegal, it is generally frowned upon by bookmakers for several reasons:

  • Bookmaker Policies: Bookmakers aim to make a profit, and arbitrage betting undermines this by guaranteeing profits for bettors. As a result, many bookmakers have policies against arbitrage betting and may take measures to prevent it.
  • Account Restrictions: If a bookmaker detects that a bettor is engaging in arbitrage betting, they may restrict or close the bettor's account. This can include limiting bet sizes or banning the bettor from placing further bets.
  • Market Integrity: Bookmakers argue that arbitrage betting can affect the integrity of the betting market by creating artificial price movements.

Legal Status by Region

The legal status of arbitrage betting can vary by region. Here is an overview of how it is generally viewed in different parts of the world:

1. United States

In the United States, the legality of sports betting varies by state. While arbitrage betting is not explicitly illegal, sportsbooks may have their own policies against it. Bettors should be aware of the rules and regulations of the sportsbooks they use.

2. United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, sports betting is regulated by the UK Gambling Commission. Arbitrage betting is not illegal, but bookmakers are vigilant about detecting and discouraging it. Account restrictions are common for those who engage in arbing.

3. Europe

In Europe, sports betting is generally legal and regulated. Arbitrage betting is not illegal, but bookmakers across Europe often implement measures to prevent it. Bettors should check the specific terms and conditions of their chosen bookmakers.

How to Engage in Arbitrage Betting Safely

While arbitrage betting is not illegal, it is important to approach it carefully to avoid account restrictions. Here are some tips to engage in arbing safely:

  • Diversify Bookmakers: Use multiple bookmakers to spread your bets and reduce the risk of detection.
  • Bet Modestly: Avoid placing large, conspicuous bets that might draw attention to your account.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the policies of the bookmakers you use and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Use Betting Tools: Utilize tools like our Arbitrage Calculator to find and calculate arbitrage opportunities efficiently.


Arbitrage betting is a legal strategy in most jurisdictions, but it is important to be aware of the policies and practices of individual bookmakers. By understanding the legal landscape and taking precautions, bettors can engage in arbitrage betting while minimizing the risk of account restrictions. Always stay informed and use tools like our Arbitrage Calculator to make the most of your betting opportunities.